Welcome to the Adoptive Families for Children Foundation!


Thursday, October 24, 2019

Adoptive Families for Children Foundation National Adoption Month Celebration

Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Location: Banks Chevrolet
Address: 137 Manchester Street, Concord, NH 03301

You can learn more about the event and RSVP here.


The Adoptive Families for Children Foundation is a non-profit organization committed to helping find loving, permanent families for children and youth in the New Hampshire foster care system. Through community outreach and education, we hope to ensure these children and their families have everything they need to thrive.

Through fundraising and donations, the AFFC Foundation has supported the formation of the Adopt NH project. Adopt NH is a website resource for adoptive families and hosts a photo listing of children in need of a forever home, as well as information for families who want to pursue adoption. If you would like more information please visit the Adopt NH website by clicking here.


Hon. Thomas Bamberger
Tracy Banks
James J. Bianco, Jr.
Tracy Caruso
Richard Chevrefils
Kathy Goode
Dr. Cara Kaupp
Shelia Renaud-Finnegan
Hon. Katie Wheeler


Interested in contributing to the Adoptive Families for Children Foundation? Your donation can be made out to the AFFC Foundation and mailed to 18 Centre St., Concord, NH 03301. Feel free to contact us with any questions by using the e-mail address or contact form located below!


Want to learn more? Have questions? Contact us!

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